Election 2024 – Your Vote Matters

You matter. You’re made of matter. That matters. And the PPP knows why. For too long politics has been ridiculous without being funny. With your help well bring the fun back to Westminster, so we can all laugh at the clowns again and not be sad. Bright people around the globe have been designing new policies to solve our problems. The UK is a noble leader in this as well as many other fields. But spoiling your ballot or voting loony is not the answer. A vote for PPPP means all of those things. It’s about change. It’s about the future. It matters because you’re matter.

Promote Scotland fo European President.

We know that many people are unhappy with Brexit. Particularly the Scots. Therefore we intend to promote the Scottish nation as a whole to stand for the election as the next European President. Once elected the Scottish people will be organised to work in shifts for a better Europe. They will however be taxed very heavily and will be required to obey all European Directives, even the silly ones, during their tenure, which may be as short at 1-2 hours per citizen.

Extend the ‘City of London’ mini police state franchise to other UK cities.

The City of London is a jewel in the crown. We will extend the franchise of the City of London, to other cities, setting up similar corporations for Manchester, Middlesbrough and Exeter, etc. with the same powers. This will give the citizens of these cities the same experience of having their lives influenced by an unelected corporation of local financial interests. Each city corporation will be given an unelected seat in parliament, their own police forces and exemptions from laws that apply to everyone else. Milton Keynes will be excluded from this policy on health and safety grounds.

Abolish all other politicial parties.

The PPPP believe that political parties are essentially organised groups of special interests who have banded together in order to gain power and lord it over others. If your personal interests coincide with theirs then you are likely to vote for them. Not because you think its good for everyone, but because you are deluded into thinking that that’s what is right. The PPPP think this stinks and will therefore abolish political parties if elected. Apart from the PPPP.