An annual ultimate fighting contest between cyclists, lorry, bus and taxi drivers to be held at Trafalgar Square. The winning side to be allowed sole use of the square on Wednesday afternoons between 3:30 and 3:45.
Promises, Promises, Promises Party
Promise Anything, Change Nothing
An annual ultimate fighting contest between cyclists, lorry, bus and taxi drivers to be held at Trafalgar Square. The winning side to be allowed sole use of the square on Wednesday afternoons between 3:30 and 3:45.
Review of the oversupply of disabled car parking spaces. The oversupply of disabled car parking spaces will be reviewed. Any disabled person parking in a normal parking space will have their parking priviledges curtailed.
Introduce a Library Carriage onto all London Underground trains and strictly enforce quiet so that people can literaly hear themselves think and prevent ear bleeding.
We will encourage more visitors to the UK by allowing them to drive on whatever side of the road they like as long as they are careful and wear their seat belts.
Those organisations with car parks for customers who refuse to take responsibility for them will have them confiscated.