All overseas territories to be towed back into British waters to avoid them being lost or taken over by hostile countries. The spaces left by the territories will be filled with inflatable replicas to fool the governments of neighboring countries and provide a fun diversion for people who miss them. Large commonwealth countries like Australia and Canada will also be invited to participate in this initiative.
Improve the efficiency of the market for buying and selling influence
We will set up a new body to oversee the buying and selling of influence to ensure the market operates effectively. Greater transparency about prices and the organisations buying and selling influence will be promoted with prizes for those organisations who make the most progress in making their activities visible.
Tow all overseas territories back to Britian to stop them being lost or stolen
All overseas territories to be towed back into British waters to avoid them being lost or taken over by hostile countries. The spaces left by the territories will filled with inflatable replicas to fool the governments of neighboring countries and provide a fun diversion for people who miss them Large commonwealth countries like Australia and Canada will also be in-vited to participate in this initiative.